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热点动态:幸运5开奖查询澳洲号码,最新澳洲体彩开奖结果,官网直播澳州幸运5历史记录 Real-time Reactions

Gauge audience reactions to in-app video content and live events.

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澳彩幸运5官网在线查询结果-幸运5澳大利亚官方历史记录+直播结果号码查询 The Results

iPhone Side 1

Data visualisation meets multimedia.

"Gauge Lines" appear over your video content in the form of a graph to give you a great visual representation of users reactions. Simply click on parts of the video or graph lines to see what users reacted to.


Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about inGauge and how it can be implemented for a study or event?

Please email hi@go-sho.com or fill out the form below.

You can also follow us on Twitter and view some example videos on YouTube

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